June 17, 2023

Yeah, it's hot...but it is a dry heat!

Right. News Flash: Hot is hot. Low Arizona humidity does not drain you like Florida hot but heat is heat. Supposedly, 103 today and maybe 111 next week. 

It's the time of the year. Everybody who lives in southern Arizona gets it. June, July, and August are the three hottest months here, and everywhere in most of the U.S. 

Elsewhere, tornadoes are ripping through the Midwest and South killing people and causing massive destruction.

War in Europe. Lingering Covid. Political accusations back and forth. Ex-Presidents indicted.

Wow, the news is great, hunh? I think the best thing to do now is not watch CNN and Fox or MSNBC and just go on with your life. I would encourage that. If we were to get into a time machine forward ten or twenty years and the themes of death and destruction would be and will be the same.

So, bottom line. It's hot and yet the sky is blue, and human activity continues in our little corner of the universe.

It's been awhile since I posted and I apologize for that. There are too many projects for me to touch on here but it includes new YouTube Channels, new Etsy store ZoozBooksandArt - Etsy , new series of books "All About Dogs" Amazon.com: All About Dogs: Your Guide to Dog Breeds - What's Best for You v.1 eBook : Fichman, Frederick : Kindle Store, new YouTube Channel "Sky." Here's the link for that: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWLUNMjtlJ_-dR7QNM-6Dvg

I will start up again posting regularly here on my Desert Doodle Blog, stay with me, please. Subscribe please. I would appreciate it.

I hope all of you are doing fine. Just ignore this blasted bad news coming at us like a freight train every day. Live your beautiful life, do good work, love your loved ones, and let's all carry on.

Fred Fichman

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