I don't know. Is it me or are things kinda crazy now. All this crap in Washington, fires in California, forced power outages, Syria-Kurd situation. It's nuts.
For entertainment value only...nothing else, I sometimes watch YT for vids by conspiracy mongers who go on and on about coming catastrophes. And it seems like every time, Every Time, they spew out b.s. about massive earthquakes, volcanoes destroying the atmosphere, Red Dawn events, and on and on, nothing happens.
You can't confront them with, "...wait a minute, didn't you say this, that, or the other?" No, you can't because their predictions are long ago and well forgotten.
So, maybe if you do listen to conspiracy theorists you listen for a laugh. But please don't take them seriously. They don't know what the hell they are talking about. The only thing for sure is that you will hear their sponsor pitches about emergency flashlights, bug-out bags, dehydrated food, and useless subscription courses on how to survive the apocalypse.
We will pass a lifetime you and I, and all of their fear-mongering will never happen...I think!